About Us

We Are Specialized In Asian Food

As Someone who was always keen to learn more about different cultures and cuisines , i found it intriguing how the palette of indian people has widened beyond indian cuisine and hence I decided to dive into them myself and curate the best dishes for everyone.

Ever since I was young , I had a great exposure to delicious Asian food all the time as I was growing up, because my mum is an amazing cook and so she would try new and unique dishes all the time. As a child, I tried to observe her as much as I could in her home and fell in love with in cooking and trying new cuisines from around the world. Even though I have not received any formal training in cooking , I love eating delicious food and sharing my experiences with my family and friends .

Food Is Just Not Eating Energy, It's an Experience

This blog is about food, food and more food. I am someone who loves cooking, eating and experimenting with new recipes, I also love to share our tips, tricks and stories with you.

The idea for this blog came from a conversation we had one day when we were talking about how much we loved to cook. The idea was to create a space where people could come together and share their ideas about food, recipes and cooking techniques or just indulge in great food pictures!

This is a food blog that is dedicated to bringing you the best recipes and tips for your kitchen. Our contributors are professional chefs and foodies who have been cooking for years. We love to share our passion with you through our articles, videos, infographics, podcasts, and more!

Follow me for more updates on my social media platforms here